Friday, March 13, 2009

10 Things About Me.

1. I Plan On Marrying Robert Pattinson the second I turn 21.
2. I absolutely love Mitchell Davis.
3. SUMMER is my favorite (and the best) season.
4. I think I am addicted to Sour Patch Kids.
5. Speak -starring Kristen Stewart- is my favorite movie.
6. I wish I was an actress. But I can't act, so...
7. I read too much for my own good.
8. I don't have a favorite color. It's a tie between purple, lime green, and teal.
9. I want a puppy so badly !
10. I have no idea what I want to do in my future.
[With the exception of #1.]


Comment this post with ten things about yourself. (:

1 comment:

Busy Bee Lauren said...

You don't live in AZ do you? Because I am pretty sure if you wouldn't love summer. haha!